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'Journalist' success meet held


Ramky of 'Gangaputrulu' fame played the lead and also produced the movie, 'Journalist'. Director N.Shankar and senior actor Suresh played key roles in this movie, directed by K.Mahesh. The film was released on 5th February and a special show was screened at Prasad Labs in Hyderabad. N.Shankar and other key unit members have watched the movie.

N.Shankar said, "I played a key role in this movie. It's the story of a sincere journalist, who works on the behalf of people. Everyone, who watched the movie, said that it's thought provoking. I am very happy to have watched the film with my journalist friends".

Hero Ramky said, "When we were looking for the role of a journalist, who supports the hero, we thought it would be nice if it's played by someone, who is responsible in real life too and approached N.Shankar for the role. Though he wasn't interested at first, he came onboard after liking the subject. He worked for free without any remuneration. I thank him for his support"