Actress Nidhhi Agerwal has filed a cybercrime complaint against a social media user who subjected her to severe online harassment and issued death threats. In her complaint, the star heroine stated that on January 6, she was repeatedly tagged in abusive comments on her Instagram account. The user issued direct threats against her life, saying, "I will find you and kill you within ten years."
The user also threatened to "destroy her entire family" and targeted her reputation with baseless accusations and defamatory language. He mentioned a couple of public figures in his comments and warned others not to interact with her, implying further harm. The police complaint that has surfaced online has struck off the names of the public figures to avoid untoward controversies.
Nidhhi further stated that the individual accused her of wasting his time and claimed she caused him emotional harm, using this as justification for his violent threats. The motives of the individual are yet to be ascertained. The identity of the Insta user has been concealed to avoid trouble for him.
Nidhhi, on the work front, is doing Prabhas' The Raja Saab. The film is directed by Maruthi. She is also playing a classical role in Hari Hara Veera Mallu, in which she has shared screen space with Pawan Kalyan.