Om Namo Venkatesaya directed by K Raghavendra Rao was censored by the Censor Board. The film was given a clean U certificate. Staring Nagarjuna, Anushka Shetty, Pragya Jaiswal and Saurabh Jain, th...Continue reading
Abhijeeth and Pragya Jaiswal as hero and heroine respectively, ‘Mirchi lanti Kurradu’ is being produced by renowned producer Rudrapati Ramanarao under SLV Cinema banner with Rudrapati Hemalatha as ...Continue reading
Pragya Jaiswal is making heads turn with her stunning picture on her twitter profile. Pragya Jaiswal, who made her Tollywood debut with the film ‘Kanche’ in which she impressed everyone...Continue reading
Pragya Jaiswal was last seen in Kanche which was directed by Krish. After that we have not seen much of Pragya. Recently the news was that she will be a part of Nagarjuna starrer Om Namo Venkatesay...Continue reading
Pragya Jaiswal shot for 'Akhanda' in April. But a few days later, the shoot was called off as the second wave came striking intensely. The 'Kanche' actress is back on the sets of the Boyapati Srinu...Continue reading
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