Allari Naresh's action thriller with 'Naandhi' director Vijay Kanakamedala is titled 'Ugram'. Producers Sahu Garapati and Harish Peddi of Shine Screens are bankrolling it. The film, which stars Mi...Continue reading
The first song from 'Ugram' was digitally released by Vijay Deverakonda on Sunday. Titled 'Deveri', this is a comprehensive romantic melody that has the lead pair, Allari Naresh and Mirnaa,...Continue reading
'Geeta Sakshigaa', starring Aadarsh and Chitra Shukla, is scheduled to be released in theatres on March 22 in Telugu and Hindi. On Tuesday, its trailer was released. In the film, a male youth is a...Continue reading
The teaser for Allari Naresh's 'Ugram' was today unveiled several weeks ahead of the film's theatrical release this Summer. Star hero Naga Chaitanya, who awaits the release of 'Custody', was presen...Continue reading
'Naandhi', starring Allari Naresh and Varalaxmi Sarathkumar, released in theaters in February and went on to become a box-office hit. This Vijay Kanakamedala directorial is all set for a digital pr...Continue reading
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