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Filmmaker Purvaj launches Think Cinema banner with lofty intentions


Director-producer Purvaj of 'Shukra' and 'Maatarani Maunamidi' fame has launched a production house named Think Cinema. He made an announcement regarding the same today.

"Through Think Cinema, we aim to entertain audiences with quality films that feature solid content," Purvaj said, adding that the first film under the banner will commence its production later this year. The yet-to-be-announced project will hit the cinemas in July 2025.

At the moment, Purvaj is making an ambitious superhero film titled 'A Masterpiece', which is led by Arvind Krishna, Jyothi Purvaj, Manish Gilada, Ashu Reddy, and Sneha Gupta. "In the past, we have worked on several pilot films and web titles. Our experience earned by making 'Shukra' and 'Maatarani Maunamidi' in the past and 'A Masterpiece' now has equipped us to launch our own production company," Purvaj said.

The young banner Think Cinema attempts to bring out innovative films and also nurture new talents. Purvaj is marshalling his creative resources to make it a grand success.