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'Zero' Glimpse: Immature and emotionally manipulative


An action drama titled 'Zero' is going to be released later this year in theaters. Vijay Raja headlines it. Directed by Laxmi Narayana C, its Glimpse was unveiled today.

The film tells the story of a frustrated athlete who is ashamed of being born in India. Why? He hates the fact that sportspersons are allegedly ill-treated in this country. "I am ashamed of being born in India," he declares. The Glimpse ends with a 'Happy Independence Day' message.

When you lack creativity, you resort to emotional manipulation and sensationalism (releasing a video in which the protagonist shames India on the eve of I-Day is an attempt at sensationalism). The Glimpse of 'Zero' is a perfect example of it. The production values look bizarrely inadequate. The athlete protagonist is described as unfinished, but what is really unfinished is the film's overall appearance.

Music is composed by Sai Kartheek. Rajendra Prasad, Amani, Sivaji Raja, Sampath Raj, Elsa ghosh, Roopa Lakshmi, and Vinay Mahadev will be seen in different roles in 'Zero'. The Glimpse is a total disappointment.