Maa TV who has launched dance show Nach Baliye in Telugu has approached the actress to be one of the judges on the show. "Adah who is known to be very selective with her films has a huge fan follow...Continue reading
Nithin-Puri Jagannafh's upcoming film 'Heart Attack' completed the censor formality and ready for release on January 31. This Touring Talkies latest movie written, directed and produced by Puri Jag...Continue reading
Adah sharma who stole all the hearts with HeartAttack is on a double bonanza . The cute beauty is on a high with two blockbusters Son of Satyamurthy and Rana Vikrama releasing on the same day. L...Continue reading
Ravikanth director and Adah Sharma have both been replaced by Advi Sesh. Apparently Ravikanth had a fallout with Adivi Sesh about the script of his next and Adah Sharma was not happy with her role ...Continue reading
Adah Sharma the Heart Attack girl always experiments new looks. In her first movie she was seen as possessed, devil with black teeth which was a very brave role to play for a debutant. In Hea...Continue reading
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