Delhi beauty Surbhi, who made her Tollywood debut through the film ‘Beeruva’, hit the bull’s-eye by bagging a plum role in a huge budget high voltage multi-starrer film to be directed by sensationa...Continue reading
Prestigious production house Usha Kiron Movies, which brought many best films to the Telugu audience, and Anandi Art Creations banner, which brought super hit films like ‘Avunu Valliddaru Istapadda...Continue reading
Censor formalities related to Nani starrer ‘Gentleman’ has been completed and now it is all set to hit screens on June 17. Sivalenka Krishna Prasad, who delivered many successful films like ‘Adity...Continue reading
Sharvanand and Surabhi starrer ‘Express Raja’ has caught much attention from audience, filmgoers and industry as well before the release itself. Lover Boy Sharwanand who recently got his commercial...Continue reading
Prestigious production house Usha Kiran Movies, which brought many best films to the Telugu audience, and Anandi Art Creations banner, which brought super hit films like ‘Avunu Valliddaru Istapadda...Continue reading
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