Ram’s upcoming film Kandireega is going to hit the screens in July. Currently, the film is in the last leg of production and some patch work is being completed. Santosh Srinivas is making his debut...Continue reading
It’s inevitable that if an actress fails to make it in one language, she tries her luck in another. Yes! Now we are discussing about one of the most beautiful heroines Hansika Motwani, who made a ...Continue reading
Suriya’s brother Karthi’s latest movie ‘Biriyani’ which was to hit screens for Sankranti, now exits the race in order to avoid clash with superstar’s ‘Kochadaiiyaan’ (which rescheduled its release ...Continue reading
For the first time in his career Ravi Teja will be sporting a new look, i.e., he will be seen as a cop in his upcoming film being directed by Bobby (dialogue writer of Balupu). Till date Ravi Teja...Continue reading
We have already seen Mass Maharaj Ravi Teja as police officer on screen in sensational hit ‘Vikramarkudu’ and we know how powerful Ravi Teja will be in a police uniform. Now, Ravi Teja is donni...Continue reading
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