Maa TV who has launched dance show Nach Baliye in Telugu has approached the actress to be one of the judges on the show. "Adah who is known to be very selective with her films has a huge fan follow...Continue reading
Adah Sharma is known for selecting different roles and with 1920 ,Kshanam and Heartattack she proved it. Now in her Bollywood film Commando 2 Adah will be playing a girl who hails from Vijayawad...Continue reading
Puri Jagannadh is known for announcing the release date of the film either on it's launching day or few days after that and stick to it. However when it comes to his latest film 'Heart Attack', he...Continue reading
Adah sharma is known for her superb live dance performances.each time she leaves he audience spell bound with her moves. At the recently held IIFA awards Adah once again captured the hearts this ti...Continue reading
Adah Sharma took everyone's breath away as she sashayed down the ramp for the Grand Finale of India Fashion Week held in the fashion capital Delhi. The actress who is known for her striking fash...Continue reading
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