Daaku Maharaaj was released in theatres on Sunday. On Day 1, as per its makers, the film grossed Rs 56 Cr. On Day 2, it minted another Rs 18 Cr, bringing the total to Rs 74 Cr. "The ultimate SANKR...Continue reading
Daaku Maharaaj will have a grand pre-release event in Anantapur on January 9. The film releases in theaters on January 12. Producer S Naga Vamsi said, "There won't be a hike in ticket rates in Tel...Continue reading
Sundeep Kishan starrer Nakshatram is almost finishing its shoot schedule. Apart from one song the rest of the film has completed its shoot. This one remaining song will be shot on a famous heroine...Continue reading
There is a tradition in the film industry that breaking a coconut while starting the film and breaking a pumpkin in the last day of shooting. Rock Star Manchu Manoj and beautiful Pragya Jaiswal sta...Continue reading
Nandamuri Balakrishna is 30 years older than Pragya Jaiswal. Their age difference has been highlighted by critics. How does the actress, who has acted in two movies (Akhanda and Daaku Maharaaj) opp...Continue reading
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