VK Naresh has paired up with his real-life soulmate Pavitra Lokesh for a film titled 'Malli Pelli'. The film's amusing teaser was releasedd recently. The news is that the romantic family drama wil...Continue reading
"True Love triumphs over all odds," wrote VK Naresh, unveiling the teaser for 'Malli Pelli'. The film, directed by MS Raju, is a dramatized interpretation of the events from the lives of Naresh, hi...Continue reading
Back in the late 1990s and early 2000s, VK Naresh was attracted to politics. He was an active BJP member in the Vajpayee era. In a social media post today, the senior Tollywood artist recounted his...Continue reading
On Sunday, the Movie Artists Association held a health camp at Hyderabad's AIG Hospitals under the aegis of President Manchu Vishnu. Several artists made use of the opportunity. Speaking on the oc...Continue reading
MAA (Movie Artists Association) is going to start Anti-Drug Walk on July 30 at 7 a.m. against drugs. Today, MAA President Shivaji Raja and general secretary Naresh went to Excise minister Padmarao&...Continue reading
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