Mega producer Allu Aravind's son and Stylish star Allu Arjun's brother, Allu Sirish, is coming up with his latest film titled 'Kotha Janta' co starring Regina Cassandra in female lead role opposit...Continue reading
Mohanlal and Allu Sirish starrer ‘Yuddha Bhoomi’ has completed censor formality and is getting ready to release on June 22. ‘Yuddha Bhoomi’ is an upcoming Telugu dubbed vers...Continue reading
For years, it has been rumoured that Allu Sirish and his father, Allu Aravind, have had differences between them for whatever reason. A rumour even went out that Sirish had rented a house in Mumbai...Continue reading
Allu Sirish’s maiden film ‘Gauravam’ with Yami Gautham as his costar is taking a brisk shape under Radha Mohan’s direction. The unit completed the second shooting schedule which was being held at ...Continue reading
Vishwak Sen has recently nominated Allu Sirish for the Green India challenge and the 'Srirastu Subhamastu' actor took it up. Allu Sirish planted three saplings and thanked the 'HIT' actor for nomin...Continue reading
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