'Jai Bhim', which skipped a theatrical release last year and was released directly on Amazon Prime, stars Suriya in the lead. Directed by TJ Gnanavel, the film has now received an Oscars honour. A...Continue reading
After several changes in the release date to avert a box office clash between Surya and his brother’s film or due to demonetisation move, ‘Singam 3’ worldwide release has been off...Continue reading
Release dates are being shuffled due to various issues. Suriya starrer Singam 3 has been postponed several times. Now the makers have finalized that the film will be released on 26th January. Ve...Continue reading
Surya’s Tamil film titled ‘Nandhaa’ which was directed by Bala is now being dubbed into Telugu as ‘Bala-Surya’. The film completed the dubbing part and presently in DTS mixing work. The Telugu ve...Continue reading
Suriya is surely on a high, he is signing many films. Suriya used to complete his projects first and then move on to his next project, but off late he is signing one film after another that too bef...Continue reading
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