The Trailer of Sankranthiki Vasthunam was unveiled today ahead of the film's theatrical release on January 14. Director Anil Ravipudi is back with his brand of silly comedy. The filmmaker's imagination was superior in F2, but F3 was mediocre although it became commercially successful owing to it being a sequel. Sarileru Neekevvaru was a one-time watch; the train episode was just too much to take for second-time viewers. This is not to say that Ravipudi is an overrated filmmaker; his films have never incurred losses. The box office surely ranks him well.
Ravipudi's latest film makes use of Venkatesh's capacity for physical comedy yet another time. When Nuvvu Naku Nacchav and Malleeswari were made, he was on the lower end of middle-age. Venky is now in his 60s. There is a limit to how much we can enjoy slapstick comedy from him.
Coming to the premise, a high-profile kidnap threatens to dislodge the state government. Someone in authority (played by VK Naresh) asks an ex-cop (Venkatesh) to resolve the case. The entry of the ex-cop's ex-girlfriend (Meenakshi Chaudhary) results in a Nari Nari Naduma Murari situation. Throw clownish villains/kidnappers into the mix, you have a mindless comedy that might well rake in the moolah. Today's audiences demand nothing more than just 30-40 minutes of quality content.
The film, whose music is by Bheems Ceciroleo, is produced by Dil Raju on Sri Venkateswara Creations.