Nani is a super talented actor who proved his mettle in the films that he has done so far, especially in the recent film ‘Eega’, he has shown all his skills and grabbed the audience as well as the critics attention even though he appeared on the silver screen for a very short time. In this manner he has not only impressed director Rajamouli, now he has scored good marks from Gautham Menon too.
Yes, the shooting of Gautham Menon’s upcoming romantic film has reached the final leg of shooting and the director appears to be immensely happy with the way the film was shaped up. Not only the film, even heroes of the film Jiiva and Nani have pleased the filmmaker with their amazing performances. Hence Gautham could not resist to praise them on the micro-blogging site.
He tweeted, “,Every film turns out to be a revelation. Jiiva and Samantha, this time it's you and it's been a pleasure. You both are so very good.Before everybody jumps to conclusions, I have already asked Jiiva and nani if they'll do another film and this time together in one film.That was about the Tamil film guys.With nani,what struck me was his confidence. Revelation- nani, the most confident actor. Nani is a pleasure to work with.. Will do a film with him anytime given the chance."
Nani must be very happy about the compliment that Gautham Menon gave him. So let’s hope to see a film in this rare combination (Jiiva-Nani) under Gautham’s direction soon. Besides he has also caught the attention of many filmmakers in Kollywood after the release of 'Naan Ee'.