A Malayalam movie titled ‘Makaramanju’, is based on the life history of the veteran painter Raja Ravi Varma who is credited with bringing about a momentous turn in the art of India. Renowned cinema...Continue reading
It has been six days since 'Bheemla Nayak' was released in theatres. And speculations about adding a song to the film haven't died down. The latest talk is that 'Antha Ishtam' would be added to th...Continue reading
We all know that post the success of ‘Drushyam’, senior heroine and director Sripriya has come up with yet another visual wonder ‘Ghatana’. It is the remake of Malayal...Continue reading
Malayalam film ‘Rathinirvedam’ starring Srijith and Nithya Menon is releasing in Telugu with the same title on December 16th with 250 prints. SVR Media Pvt Ltd., banner is releasing the film acros...Continue reading
Nara Rohit and Nithya Menon starrer ‘Okkadine’ is all set to hit screens on November 23rd. ‘Okkadine’ is the story about a young guy who faces a situation where he has to give up his family to rem...Continue reading
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