Bigg Boss is a Telugu reality show, aired on Star Maa. Jr. NTR hosting this show. It has become one of the most watched shows of the small screen and to keep the audience hooked, the makers are int...Continue reading
Taapsee Pannu shot to fame with 'Pink' and 'Naam Shabana'. The actress has tasted commercial success with the most recently released 'Judwaa 2'. She has announced that she has arrived in Bollywood ...Continue reading
Ghazi, the first Telugu movie to have made on 1971 Indo-Pak war concept with special emphasis on Indian submarine S21 attacking PNS Ghazi in Indian waters directed by Sankalp Reddy and produced by ...Continue reading
This news is for all Taapsee’s fans. Her bollywood flick ‘Chasme Baddoor’, a complete comedy entertainer directed by David Dhawan is scheduled for release on April 5th. Its trailer is releasing t...Continue reading
Taapsee Pannu, who was last year seen in the Bollywood film 'Dunki', was in a relationship with her boyfriend and badminton player, Mathias Boe, for years. The duo recently entered into a wedlock i...Continue reading
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