The trailer for 'Bhagavanth Kesari' was released on Sunday ahead of the film's grand theatrical release on October 19. Nelakonda Bhagavanth Kesari, played by Nandamuri Balakrishna, is introduced as...Continue reading
Mass Hero Vishal has played the lead role in action entertainer ‘Jayasurya’. It was released around the world on September 4, and became super hit. Suseenthiran is the director. G Nageswara Reddy a...Continue reading
As Balakrishna turns a year older this June 10, the teaser for 'Bhagavanth Kesari' will roar on 108 screens in the Telugu States and a few Overseas locations. Earlier today, the film's title was re...Continue reading
Director Shankar is leaving no stone unturned to make Kamal Haasan starrer Bharatheeyudu 2 huge. The current schedule which was being shot in Andhra Pradesh is complete. The next one will be shot i...Continue reading
After the release of ‘Daruvu’, Ravi Teja, who is presently busy with ‘Devudu Chesina Manushulu’ is going to start working for his next film ‘Sir Vochcharu’. This film will be directed by Parasuram...Continue reading
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