'Telisinavaallu' is an upcoming dark thriller produced by Syringe Cinema. Director Viplove Koneti is making this "genre-bending movie" as a family drama and mystery. As the teaser begins, we see t...Continue reading
Mega Prince Varun Tej, Lavanya Tripathi and Hebah Patel starrer hilarious family entertainer ‘Mister’ raked good numbers on day one in Telugu states, despite divide talk. The film direc...Continue reading
VK Naresh has played the role of a patriarch in 'The Great Indian Suicide', this week's OTT release. Streaming on Aha Video, the film has Naresh in a shocking role. The twist about his character ha...Continue reading
'Odela Railway Station', written by Sampath Nandi, is a crime thriller. Presented by Smt Lakshmi Radhamohan and produced by KK Radhamohan, it is being directed by debutant Ashok Teja. The news is t...Continue reading
ZEE5's upcoming Original is titled 'Vyavastha'. Actor Siddhu Jonnalagadda digitally unveiled its trailer today. Helmed by Anand Ranga, the web series stars Hebbah Patel in the role of a young widow...Continue reading
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