As we all know young hero Naga Anvesh is currently working on 'Angel' directed by Bahubali Palani. The film produced by Bhuvan Sagar under his Sarswathi films banner went on floors earlier this aug...Continue reading
'Geetha' stars Sunil and Hebbah Patel in lead roles. Directed by debutant Vishwa R Rao, who is a protege of VV Vinayak, the film has successfully wrapped up its production works. The First Look of ...Continue reading
Aha Video is bringing to its patrons an out-and-out mystery thriller. Titled 'The Great Indian Suicide', this one is based on a real incident that took place in Andhra Pradesh's Madanapalle many ye...Continue reading
VK Naresh has played the role of a patriarch in 'The Great Indian Suicide', this week's OTT release. Streaming on Aha Video, the film has Naresh in a shocking role. The twist about his character ha...Continue reading
The censor work of 'Andhhagadu' has been completed. The film received a U/A certificate and is set for a grand release on 2nd June. The censor team appreciated the makers and congratulated in advan...Continue reading
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