'Maama Mascheendra', starring Sudheer Babu in three roles (as a don, a fatso and a DJ), will hit the cinemas on October 6. Its pre-release event, graced by Sree Vishnu, Sharwanand and Sekhar Kammul...Continue reading
Prominent director Sukumar has started a production house Sukumar Writings with the main intention to bring fresh and creative films to Telugu audience. This young director, who received acclaims w...Continue reading
Eesha Rebba will be doing her first female oriented film. This one has been titled Raagala 24 Gantallo, which is said to be a suspense thriller. The teaser of the film has been released and it has ...Continue reading
National and Nandi awards winner Indraganti Mohankrishna, who also received critical acclaims for his style of filmmaking for the movies ‘Ashta Chamma’ and ‘Golkonda High School&r...Continue reading
'Pitta Kathalu', to be streamed on Netflix from February 19, is a four-story web-film. Starring some of the most notable names of south Indian cinema, it has four different stories helmed by some o...Continue reading
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