'Satyabhama', starring Kajal Aggarwal in an aggressive role, is going to hit the cinemas soon. Debutant director Akhil Degala has wielded the megaphone. Its glimpse launch event was held in Hyderab...Continue reading
It is her favorite genre and she wants to do many comedy films. Yes Kajal Agarwal loves comedy and she wants to do comedy film. She is busy with many plush projects. Nene Raju Nene Mantri will be h...Continue reading
Kajal Aggarwal's first look from 'Mosagallu', also starring Manchu Vishnu, Suniel Shetty, Ruhani Sharma among others, has been out. The 'Indian 2' actress is said to be playing a powerful role in t...Continue reading
Chiranjeevi starrer ‘Khaidi No 150’ is creating good news. The song that was released recently is creating waves. The ‘Kummudu’ song has become a rage, though initially it w...Continue reading
Brahmotsavam is all set to hit theatres. Just a day away from release the film is all geared up for a massive release. Here is a tit bit about the film. As we all know this film has three leading l...Continue reading
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