Nithya Menon, who recently shined in ‘Geetha Govindam’, will be stepping into legendary actress Savitri’s shoes in the biopic on late actor and CM of united Andhra Pradesh Nandamu...Continue reading
A Malayalam movie titled ‘Makaramanju’, is based on the life history of the veteran painter Raja Ravi Varma who is credited with bringing about a momentous turn in the art of India. Renowned cinema...Continue reading
Janatha Garage is creating a furor. It has been a week since its release and the film has done well amazingly. The makers of Janatha Garage wanted to celebrate this and planned to hold a success me...Continue reading
Pawan Kalyan, Rana Daggubati, and Nithya Menen as the lead actors, the upcoming movie Bheemla Nayak is currently trending on social media. The reason behind the trend is the latest song- Antha Isht...Continue reading
So far, Suresh Kondeti has brought 11 films such as ‘Premisthe’, ‘Shopping Mall’, ‘Journey’ and ‘Pizza’ and some others and all became big success. Now, he is gearing up to bring another super-...Continue reading
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