"His world is intriguing. His journey is a mystery," the makers of 'KA' said, putting out the film's Trailer today. Abhinaya Vasudev, the protagonist's name, could well hold a lot of meaning, consi...Continue reading
'KA' will head to theatres for Diwali. The Kiran Abbavaram thriller drama will grace the big screens on October 31. The Trailer of the film will drop at 5:01pm this Thursday (October 24). "The vi...Continue reading
Kiran Abbavaram's latest film, KA, is running to packed houses. The opening day collections were an impressive Rs 6.18 crores, and the momentum only grew from there. Day 2 saw a stronger performanc...Continue reading
'AAY' made its theatrical debut on 110 screens on August 15 in the domestic market. A week later, its screencount reached 382. In the US, it went from 27 screens to 86. Producer Bunny Vasu and his ...Continue reading
'AAY', which hit the cinemas the other day, is on its way to becoming a hit. On Saturday, producers Bunny Vasu and Vidya Koppineedi hosted its success meet in Hyderabad. Speaking on the occasion, ...Continue reading
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