'Aa Okkati Adakku' will hit the cinemas later this Summer. At the film's Teaser launch event today, the makers focused on stressing its merits: Clean comedy, content with a relatable message, rich ...Continue reading
'Guntur Kaaram' is seeing a rejig. Recently, Pooja Hegde was stamped out of the project. Sree Leela, who was supposed to play the second female lead, has been made the primary female lead. That has...Continue reading
Prabhas is popular among his colleagues for his generous hospitality. He treats his co-stars to sumptuous meals. If they are in Hyderabad, the guests get to taste home-made food. In her latest int...Continue reading
The title song of 'Like Share & Subscribe', shot on Santosh Shoban and Faria Abdullah, is out. Shot in the natural environment, the song is about the 'Ek Mini Katha' actor pursuing the 'Jathi R...Continue reading
'Aa Okkati Adakku', starring Allari Naresh (he decided to put two other projects on the backburner to prioritize this comedy) in the lead, is scheduled to hit the cinemas on May 3. Starring Faria A...Continue reading
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