'Focus', fronted by Vijay Shankar (who plays a cop), has Ashu Reddy of Bigg Boss Telugu fame as the heroine. Directed by newcomer G Surya Teja, the film is in the news because star writer Vij...Continue reading
The concept teaser from 'Balamevvadu' was out yesterday. The concept focuses on how the corporate culture has infected the health department, while they loot money from the desperate people. Dhruva...Continue reading
Suhasini, who has played a variety of roles in Telugu and Tamil over the decades, is going to be seen in a powerful role in 'Balamevvadu'. She played a powerful cop in 'Rakhi' in the past. She is g...Continue reading
'Balamevvadu' will feature Suhasini in a powerful role. The yesteryear heroine, who is very popular in Telugu and Tamil, will be seen in a meaningful role in the vigilante drama, which is about the...Continue reading
Joshika Sailakshmi Films’ ‘Poison’ starring Rajeev Kanakala as hero and Nagendra Prasad (Prabhu Deva’s brother) & Vijay Samraat in prominent roles with Sindhu Tolani and Suhasini as heroines is all...Continue reading
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