'Maama Mascheendra', starring Sudheer Babu in three roles (as a don, a fatso and a DJ), will hit the cinemas on October 6. Its pre-release event, graced by Sree Vishnu, Sharwanand and Sekhar Kammul...Continue reading
National and Nandi awards winner Indraganti Mohankrishna, who also received critical acclaims for his style of filmmaking for the movies ‘Ashta Chamma’ and ‘Golkonda High School&r...Continue reading
The regular shooting of Chiranjeevi's next, directed by Koratala Siva, will start in a few more days and the director has almost finalized the cast. As per sources, Telugu beauty Eesha Rebba has be...Continue reading
The title poster and first look of ‘Brand Babu’ is unveiled. Director Maruthi has provided the script for this flick and is also presenting it. The title poster carries "…and his...Continue reading
Telugu states have seen a steep rise in the Covid-19 positive cases in the last few days. Coronavirus continues to wreak havoc in the country. Megastar Chiranjeevi has made a public awareness...Continue reading
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