'Game Changer', directed by Shankar and led by Ram Charan, is produced by the Dil Raju-Shirish duo. Recently, there were reports that the production works will be completed if the film is shot for ...Continue reading
Kiara Advani is very excited about debuting opposite Mahesh Babu in her first film opposite Mahesh Babu. Bharath Ane Nenu is her first film in Tollywood and she is super confident about it. The act...Continue reading
Kiara Advani is the leading lady in Bollywood flick 'Kabir Singh'. The film has become a roaring success and Kiara is being appreciated for her role. Producers in Bollywood are lining up to sign he...Continue reading
Recently, a song from 'Game Changer' surfaced on social media. Composed by SS Thaman, the song's audio version went viral in no time, inviting ridicule from Netizens. On another recent occasion, im...Continue reading
Ram Charan feels that 'Vinaya Vidheya Rama' is a perfect title for his film. It’s perfect because it gels well with the upcoming festive season. Within 15 days after the shooting of Rangasth...Continue reading
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