'Mishan Impossible', a comedy caper headlined by Taapsee Pannu, is directed by Swaroop RSJ of 'Agent Sai Srinivasa Athreya' fame. Produced by Matinee Entertainment, the film will hit the cinemas on...Continue reading
The audio of Krishna Vamsi’s latest film ‘Mogudu’ is going to be released on the Vijayadasami Day, i.e., on October 6th. Featuring Gopichand, Taapsee and Shraddha Das in the lead Nallamalapu Bujji...Continue reading
Taapsee's popularity charts are soaring. She is shining in Bollywood and there is no looking back for her now. Judwaa 2 has given her star status and she has three films lined up. Not only films b...Continue reading
Telugu moviegoers may have to face a longer than expected wait for Gopichand’s action adventure ‘Saahasam’ to blast its way into theaters as the movie release date has been postponed once again fro...Continue reading
'Mishan Impossible' is hitting the cinemas on April 1. Its US premiers are scheduled to happen on March 31. The reputed overseas distribution house Nirvana Cinemas is releasing the comedy caper in ...Continue reading
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