'Odela Railway Station', written by Sampath Nandi, is a crime thriller. Presented by Smt Lakshmi Radhamohan and produced by KK Radhamohan, it is being directed by debutant Ashok Teja. The news is t...Continue reading
‘Nanna Nenu Naa Boyfriend’, the film staring Hebah patel is slowly gathering momentum. The title has perked interest. Directed by Bhaskar Bandi a former associate of VV Vinayak, this film is produc...Continue reading
Sreenu Vaitla is leaving no stone unturned to see that his upcoming film Mister gets maximum promotion. The director is giving interviews to various channels. He is confident that this film will w...Continue reading
Socio fantasy thriller ‘Angel’ starring Young hero Naga Anvesh, Beauty Queen Hebah Patel is going to be released in Tamil and Hindi languages as well along with Telugu. Telugu version w...Continue reading
'Geetha' is an upcoming movie that is slated to hit the cinemas on Sept 9. Its audio was released today. Starring Hebah Patel of 'Kumari 21F' fame and Sunil in key roles, 'Geetha' also features Ram...Continue reading
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