Daaku Maharaaj was released in theatres on Sunday. On Day 1, as per its makers, the film grossed Rs 56 Cr. On Day 2, it minted another Rs 18 Cr, bringing the total to Rs 74 Cr. "The ultimate SANKR...Continue reading
New movie from sensational director Boypati Srinu and young hero Bellamkonda Sai Srinivas produced on Dwaraka Creations banner by producer Miriyala Ravinder Reddy will have one more heroine Pragya ...Continue reading
Pragya Jaiswal, who is going to be seen in a glamorous role in Balakrishna's 'Akhanda', is in the news for rumouredly being part of yet another big-ticket film. The buzz is that the 'Kanche' actres...Continue reading
Om Namo Venkatesaya directed by K Raghavendra Rao was censored by the Censor Board. The film was given a clean U certificate. Staring Nagarjuna, Anushka Shetty, Pragya Jaiswal and Saurabh Jain, th...Continue reading
The team of Daaku Maharaaj on Sunday interacted with the media hours after their movie's domestic and international release. The film could be released in Tamil and Hindi on January 17. There are a...Continue reading
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