'iSmart Shankar', which has Ram Pothineni as its leading man and will be directed by Puri Jagganadh was launched today officially. The regular shoot of the film will start from tomorrow in Hyderaba...Continue reading
After months of rigorous workouts to lose the weight, Charmi appears to be happy for dropping 5 kgs and wants to shed 4 more kgs to become even more fit. She opens up to her tweetpals about her st...Continue reading
Now this is something strange. Even before a film has completed its shoot the sequel of this film has been announced. The film in question is iSmart Shankar. Puri Jagannadh has announced that a seq...Continue reading
Charmi’s ‘Prema Oka Maikam’ is expected in theaters either during this month end or in the 1st week of July. Charmi will be seen in the role of a prostitute in the story that revolves around three...Continue reading
Energetic star Ram’s upcoming movie ‘iSmart Shankar’ under the direction of Puri Jagannadh was launched last week. Charmme Kaur the producer of the film has now confirmed the hero...Continue reading
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