Venkatesh, Srikanth’s action thriller ‘Shadow’ is gradually taking shape under the direction of Mehar Ramesh. Parachuri Kireeti is producing this movie in which Taapsee is the leading lady opposit...Continue reading
'Kalam Rasina Kathalu' is the title of an upcoming movie produced, written and directed by MNV Sagar. With music by Merugu Aramaan and Subhash Anand, the film has cinematography by Devi Vara Prasad...Continue reading
It has been 50 years since Shivaji Raja’s ‘Kallu’ got released. It was released in 1988. The story of the film is based on Gollapudi Maruthi Rao’s ‘Kallu Natakam&rsquo...Continue reading
Director S.S. Rajamouli, who is fresh from the success of India's Biggest Blockbuster 'Baahubali 2', took some time off his busy schedule to attend the shop opening ceremony of his long term associ...Continue reading
Sumanth Aswin, Srikanth, Bhumika Chawla, Tanya Hoop as the main leads, the movie Idhe Maa Katha is being made. Road Journey is the main theme of the story, the movie is being directed by Guru Pawan...Continue reading
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