A budding filmmaker named Varanasi Surya, who comes from a journalism background, has brought out a film titled 'Ganda'. Starring newcomers, the film is inspired by the concept of 'Zero Budget Poli...Continue reading
The Kapu Sankshema Sena on Thursday celebrated Pawan Kalyan's birthday in Hyderabad in a grand manner. Former Minister and Chegondi Harirama Jogayya graced the occasion as a guest. Also seen were ...Continue reading
After Pawan Kalyan, the biggest star attraction in 'Ustaad Bhagat Singh' is Sreeleela. The 'Dhamaka' actress started shooting for the Mythri Movie Makers product on Tuesday in Hyderabad. Welcoming...Continue reading
The other day (August 14, to be precise), the team of 'Hari Hara Veera Mallu' recommenced the shoot of the period action thriller headlined by Pawan Kalyan. A massive war sequence is being shot cur...Continue reading
This Valentine's Day week is going to see the arrival of multiple re-releases. If you are a movie buff who loves rewatching your favourite movies on the silver screen, keep an eye on ticket-booking...Continue reading
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