Speaking to the media, Dil Raju has indirectly said that the failure of Game Changer was preordained by its unexciting teaser and trailer. He implied that star power doesn't guarantee anything late...Continue reading
Amazon Prime Video is going to stream ‘The Family Star’ from April 26 in Telugu, Tamil, Kannada, and Malayalam languages. An announcement was made by the platform on Wednesday. The fil...Continue reading
The Hindi and Tamil versions of Game Changer have no buzz going for them in the Overseas market as far as Premieres are concerned. Delayed content delivery has meant that the take-off is lukewarm a...Continue reading
"During the lockdown, writers/directors started writing stories because they found a hell lot of free time. Even the actors okayed those scripts just like that. But they didn't have an inkling abou...Continue reading
Tollywood is an interesting place. Here, elections to bodies with just a few hundred members hog limelight for all the wrong reasons. In 2021, the Movie Artists Association elections witnessed cont...Continue reading
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