Acclaimed filmmaker Deva Katta, known for 'Prasthanam' and 'Vennela', is creating a multi-seasonal web series. The 'Republic' director and his team are looking for fresh faces for the untitled seri...Continue reading
Deva Katta has accused producer Vishnu Vardhan Induri of 'NTR' biopic fame of stealing an idea of his. The 'Prasthanam' director claimed that he and the producer had discussions about the NT...Continue reading
Deva Katta’s next is confirmed with our angry young hero Gopichand. He is presently directing ‘Autonagar Surya’ with Naga Chaitanya and Samantha in the lead roles and it is delayed due to financial...Continue reading
After impressing the audience with a romantic film 'Ye Maya Chesave' and a family flick 'Manam', Naga Chaitanya-Samantha pair is now set woo the audience with a political thriller 'Autonagar Surya'...Continue reading
Naga Chaitanya and Samantha starer ‘Autonagar Surya’ has completed the censor formality and ready for release on June 27. This action entertainer is Deva Katta’s directorial venture under Macs Ind...Continue reading
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