Acclaimed filmmaker Deva Katta, known for 'Prasthanam' and 'Vennela', is creating a multi-seasonal web series. The 'Republic' director and his team are looking for fresh faces for the untitled seri...Continue reading
The successful pair of ‘Ye Maya Chesave’ Naga Chaitanya and Samantha is presently working together for Deva Katta’s ‘Autonagar Surya’. K Atchi Reddy is producing this flick under Macs India Produc...Continue reading
Akkineni fans won’t have to wait for too long before Naga Chaitanya’s ‘Autonagar Surya’ screen greets them. Yes, while it has been confirmed that the audio is releasing on November 30th, the first...Continue reading
Filming of Deva Katta’s new film ‘Autonagar Surya’ will start this August. The film stars Naga Chaitanya and a new heroine in the lead and will be produced by Dr Venkat of RR Movie Makers. Naga C...Continue reading
'Aevum Jagat', starring Kiran Geya, Prakruthivanam Prasad, Brigadier Ganesham (retd), Inaya Sultana, and others, is a village-based drama. The news is that its teaser has been released at the hands...Continue reading
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