In the glimpse video of 'Bachhala Malli', Allari Naresh is seen throwing a fit. He is against sermons that call upon humans to achieve equanimity. A drunkard to the core, he enjoys dashing into oth...Continue reading
Allari Naresh as hero and Sakshi Choudhury as heroine ‘James Bond’ produced by Rama Brahmam Sunkara and directed by Sai Kishore Macha, has completed all formalities including censor and is all set ...Continue reading
Allari Naresh and Monal Gajjar starrer ‘Brother of Bommali’ has completed the censor formality. It received U/A certificate and has won appreciations from the censor board members. Ammiraju kanumal...Continue reading
'Bangaru Bullodu' releases in theatres on January 23. At the film's pre-release event, guests wished the comedy entertainer all the best. Speaking on the occasion, director Meher Ramesh said, "The...Continue reading
'Naa Saami Ranga' is slated to be released in theatres on January 14. The USA premieres will be held in a grand way on January 13. In a statement today, Shloka Entertainments described the Sankran...Continue reading
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