In an unexpected social media move on Monday night, Mahesh Babu endorsed the latest Netflix documentary, 'Nayanthara: Beyond The Fairytale', which started streaming late Sunday night. The Guntur K...Continue reading
Superstar Mahesh Babu’s Brahmotsavam which is releasing worldwide this Friday is literally painting the town red. There is a festive atmosphere all over across all the theaters in the two Telugu st...Continue reading
A new film in the combination of Mahesh Babu and Vamsi Paidipally is on the cards. Interestingly, the title for this film is ‘Krishna Mukunda Murari’. The latest reports say that the film will hi...Continue reading
It is known that the Supreme Court recently found Koratala Siva guilty of lifting the plot of 'Srimanthudu' from a novel named 'Chacchenta Prema', written by Sarath Chandra. The makers of the film ...Continue reading
Haarika & Hassine Creations today revealed the team of Superstar Mahesh Babu's 28th movie, which is a Trivikram directorial. Marking the actor's birthday, producer S Radha Krishna revealed some...Continue reading
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