Legendary comedian Brahmanandam, who was recently in the news for campaigning for a BJP candidate in Karnataka, today unveiled a song titled 'Syeyara Syeyara' from 'Madhave Madhusudana'. Speaking o...Continue reading
Shooting and post-production works related to ‘Nenu Kidnap Ayyanu’ which is set in the backdrop of kidnap drama, have been completed and the film is ready to receive censor certificate....Continue reading
'Panchathantram', which is headlined by a bunch of actors ranging from Brahmanandam, Swathi Reddy, Shivathmika Rajasekhar and Samuthirakani to Rahul Vijay, has blocked its release date. The film i...Continue reading
Khan Dada is he who lends money to people and becoming a hero was his passion. Brahmanandam in the role of Khan Dada made all the audience burst into hysterical laughter with his funny acts in ‘Mo...Continue reading
Achari America Yatra, the laughter riot from the super hit combination of Vishnu Manchu and G Nageshwar Reddy finished a massive first schedule in Hyderabad. The production team is all set to fly o...Continue reading
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