'Puli-Meka' is the title of an upcoming Zee5 web series starring Lavanya Tripathi, Aadi Saikumar and Suman in key roles. Directed by K Chakravarthy Reddy, the series is a crime thriller. The launch...Continue reading
'Slum Dog Husband' stars Sanjay Rao in the lead. The family comedy is slated to hit the cinemas on July 29. Co-starring Pranavi Manukonda, the film's pre-release event was held on Thursday. Speaki...Continue reading
Sankranthi releases are coveted in the Telugu film industry. For the first time since 'Khaidi No. 150', a Chiranjeevi movie is going to head to theatres for Sankranthi. It is Mega154, the untilted ...Continue reading
It's now official that Chiranjeevi's 154th movie will feature Ravi Teja in a special role. Call it a supporting role or an extended cameo (we will know about it in the future), the fact is that Myt...Continue reading
Nandamuri Balakrishna's 109th film is titled 'Daaku Maharaaj'. A grand event will be held in the US on January 4th to release the film's third song. The massy, peppy, and foot-tapping number has th...Continue reading
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