Young and talented hero Vishwak Sen is all set to entertain the audience with his upcoming love story titled 'Paagal'. The film has Nivetha Pethuraj as the female lead alongside Vishwak. The makers...Continue reading
'Gangs of Godavari' was released in theatres on May 31. Right on Day 1, it opened to good numbers. The momentum continued over the weekend. Despite the Exit Poll fever gripping Andhra Pradesh, the ...Continue reading
On Sunday, the team of 'Ashoka Vanamlo Arjuna Kalyanam' orchestrated a prank on a busy road in Hyderabad. A junior artist was roped in for the prank. He literally stopped Vishwak Sen's vehicle in t...Continue reading
'Ori Devuda', starring Vishwak Sen in the lead, has locked its OTT release date. On Thursday, Aha Video said that it will start streaming on its platform from mid-night on November 10. Directed by...Continue reading
Actor director Vishwak Sen let his tongue lose recently. The resulted in lot of bad publicity for him. He liberally used the F word. The Falaknuma Das actor has realized what he has done and now h...Continue reading
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