Anand Deverakonda's next movie, which is titled 'Highway' wraps up with the shooting formalities. Being Directed by KV Guhan, Highway is touted to be a psychological crime thriller. The thriller a...Continue reading
'WWW', starring Adith Arun and Shivani Rajashekar, is directed by KV Guhan. Dr. Ravi P Raju Datla is the producer of the thriller. The news is that Mahesh Babu has unveiled the film's teaser. "KV ...Continue reading
Cinematographer-turned-director of KV Guhan of '118' fame is making a thriller titled 'WWW' (Who.. Where.. Why..), which stars Adith Arun and Shivani Rajashekar as the lead pair. Currently in the p...Continue reading
Anand Deverakonda, who is currently basking in the success of ‘Pushpaka Vimanam’, is doing 'Highway' these days. The psychological crime thriller is directed by KV Guhan of '118' fame. ...Continue reading
After 'Middle Class Melodies' and the yet-to-be-released 'Pushpaka Vimanam', Anand Deverakonda is in the news for a crime thriller. KV Guhan of '118' fame will wield the megaphone for it. Produced...Continue reading
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