‘Bham Bolenath’ that features Navdeep, Naveen Chandra, Pradeep, Pooja, Prachi and Sreya in lead roles, was released recently and is running successfully with a hit talk. It was made under RCC Enter...Continue reading
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Naveen Chandra, who was recently seen in the OTT release 'Super Over', has been signed up for a movie to be directed by Aravind. A crime thriller, the film is produced by producer Javvaji Ramanjane...Continue reading
Prudhvi and Naveen Chandra as heroes and Saloni and Shruti Sodhi as heroines, a full length entertainer ‘Meelo Evaru Koteeswarudu’ is being made under Sri Satya Sai Arts banner. KK Radh...Continue reading
C/O Kancherapalem fame Karthik Rathnam, Naveen Chandra, and Krishna Priya as the lead pair the movie 'Ardha Shatabdham' is being made. Helmed by Ravinder Pille the movie is being made. The latest ...Continue reading
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