'Bheemadevarapally Branch' is an upcoming movie directed by Ramesh Cheppala. Its First Look was released today at the hands of 'Vakeel Saab' maker Venu Sriram. "The director has narrated a serious...Continue reading
Hours after the theatrical release of 'Vakeel Saab', Dil Raju hosted the film's success meet. Speaking on the occasion, the producer said that he had watched the movie's benefit show at a theatre i...Continue reading
Actor Nithiin has been shooting for a film titled 'Thammudu' since September last year. Directed by Venu Sriram of 'Vakeel Saab' and 'MCA' fame, the project is bankrolled by Dil Raju. The news is ...Continue reading
Here you go. The first look of Pawan Kalyan's comeback movie, #PSPK26, Vakeel Saab, which is the remake of Bollywood social thriller 'Pink'. Pawan Kalyan looks quite relaxed, reading a book in the...Continue reading
Chiranjeevi has heaped praises on 'Vakeel Saab'. In his Twitter review of the movie, he predicted that it will win hearts and make good chunks of money as well. Later, he was called on by Dil Raju ...Continue reading
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