The first look of Shakalaka Shankar's out-and-out romantic horror-comedy titled 'Bomma Adirindi-Dimma Thirigindi' is out. Directed by debutant Kumar Kota, the entertainer has story and dialogues by...Continue reading
It's known that senior journalist, writer, film critic and director Prabhu is currently making a film titled 'Wrong Gopal Varma'. Prominent comedian Shakalaka Shankar will be seen in the film's ti...Continue reading
The motion poster of Shakalaka Shankar's romantic horror-comedy titled 'Bomma Adirindi-Dimma Thirigindi' is out. 'Narrappa' and 'Viraata Parvam' actress Priyamani released it on Sunday. "The squad ...Continue reading
'Oo Manchi Ghost' (in short, 'OMG)' is slated to be released in theatres soon. Vennela Kishore, Shakalaka Shankar, Nandita Shweta, Navami Gayak, Rajit, Naveen Neni and Raghu are playing different r...Continue reading
The trailer of Shakalaka Shankar's out-and-out romantic horror-comedy 'Bomma Adirindi-Dimma Thirigindi' was released recently. It got a great response, as per the makers. Buoyed by the buzz that th...Continue reading
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