Tamil super hit film ‘Metro’ is being dubbed in Telugu. R4 Entertainments head Ragini Talluri is bringing the film to Telugu audience. Suresh Kondeti, who brought super hit films like &...Continue reading
‘Puttina Roju’ is the film that tells how 12 people celebrated their birthday right from the time they get up from bed morning till their bed time. This is a unique conceptual movie which was made...Continue reading
The makers of happening young hero Nandu starrer romantic comedy and family entertainer ‘Inthalo Enneni Vinthalo’ are planning to release the teaser in the first week of June. Being mad...Continue reading
We usually see glut of blood, gore and sexual innuendo in Ram Gopal Varma’s films. That’s why they have always got ‘A’ or ‘U/A’ certificates. To everyone’s surprise, for the first time, RGV’s fi...Continue reading
'The Fog' is an upcoming thriller starring Virat Chandra, Chandana Koppisetty, Harini, Ajay Ghosh, Nandu, Supriya, Praneetha and Pramod. Directed by Sudhan, the movie will release on February 5. T...Continue reading
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