'Atithi Devobhava', starring Aadi Sai Kumar in the lead, will be released in theatres on January 7. Since 'Roudram Ranam Rudhiram' has been postponed, Srinivasa Cine Creations has picked the date. ...Continue reading
Aadi Saikumar is going to play a forensic doctor in a thriller, directed by Siva Shankar Dev, a debutante. The concept poster of this movie has been released on the occasion of Aadhi's birthday. ...Continue reading
Actor Aadi Saikumar's upcoming film is titled 'Shanmukkha'. Its title launch event was held on Tuesday on the auspicious occasion of Ugadi. Director-producer Shanmugam Sappani has worked his up to ...Continue reading
The latest Motion Poster of ‘Shamntakamani’ by Bhavya Creations to be creating a buzz in the city starring Nara Rohith, Sundeep Kishan, Sudheer Babu, Aadi Saikumar on the lead. Trending...Continue reading
Young and upcoming hero Aadi (Sai Kumar's son) has recently come out with a movie titled ‘Pyar Mein Padipoya’. But the film bombed at the box-office. However the actor is busy with his ongoing fi...Continue reading
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