Director Ravi Babu and Allari Naresh have reunited for a new comedy entertainer titled ‘Laddu Babu’. This will mark the second time that Ravi Babu and Naresh have collaborated as hero and director...Continue reading
Director Indraganti Mohan Krishna is planning his next film with Allari Naresh. As per the sources, he has also fixed the title as ‘Bandhipotu’. ‘Bandhipotu’ is the title ...Continue reading
'Veyi Daruveyi' is the title of a new Sairam Shankar movie. Launched on Friday in the presence of Sharwanand, Allari Naresh and Vishwak Sen, the film has Yasha Shivakumar as the heroine. Directed b...Continue reading
'Aa Okkati Adakku' will hit the cinemas later this Summer. At the film's Teaser launch event today, the makers focused on stressing its merits: Clean comedy, content with a relatable message, rich ...Continue reading
Now we hear that the audio of ‘Action 3D’ movie starring Allari Naresh, Kick Shaam, Vaibhav Reddy and Raju Sundaram is all set to release on April 20th. It’s a comedy entertainer in 3D format film...Continue reading
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